Monthly Archives: July 2016

Hacking SCADA/Industrial Control Systems: The Pentest Guide

The book delves into specific details and methodology of how to perform secuity assessments against the SCADA and Industrial control systems. The goal of this book is to provide a roadmap to the security assessors such as security analysts, pentesters, security architects, etc. and use the existing techniques that they are aware about and apply them to perform security asessments against the SCADA world. The book shows that the same techniques used to assess IT environments can be used for assessing the efficacy of defenses that protect the ICS/SCADA systems as well.


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Windows Exploitation Course: Stack and Heap Overflows

This course gives intrinsic details of exploiting stack and heap overflows in Windows software applications. It walks the students through all the steps that are necessary for bug hunting from reverse engineering to fuzzing to actually writing exploits in Windows software applications. It also teaches how a student should actually go about exploiting these vulnerabilities and bypassing the various Windows protection mechanisms. Overall, this is a course worth the money. It is one of the best tutorial for beginners as well as people who are inclined to understand the inner details of Windows protection mechanisms and bypass them.

This book focuses on teaching people in bypassing modern controls in Windows 7 especially focusing on exploits that can bypass ASLR, hardware DEP, software DEP, etc. Also focuses on teaching  JavaScript vector array technique to bypass ASLR and exploit pointer manipulation.


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Windows Stack Exploitation

This book gives intrinsic details of exploiting stack overflows in Windows applications. It walks the reader through various steps that are necessary for identifying stack overflow vulnerabilities in Windows applications. It also teaches how a reader should actually go about exploiting these vulnerabilities and bypass various Windows protections. Overall, this is a great tutorial for beginners as well as people who are inclined to understand the inner details of Windows protection mechanisms and bypass.


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