Monthly Archives: July 2016

Embedded Device Security Course: Pwn Linux Operating System Devices

This course is an introduction for the reader into the wonderful world of embedded device exploitation.The course is supposed to be a tutorial guide that helps a reader understand the various skills required for hacking an embedded device. As the world is getting more and more into the phenomenon of “Internet of Things”, such skill sets can be useful to hack from a simple intelligent light bulb to hacking into a car.

This course book goes into details of exploiting MIPS and ARM based devices. Also it focuses on teaching how to bypass DEP and ASLR protection in embedded devices.


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Embedded Device Security: Pwn Real Time Operating Systems

This book introduces the reader to wonderful world of embedded device hacking and real time operating systems. This book is written for hackers, hobbyists, developers, system programmers as well as penetration testers to understand how someone would go about trying to analyze and assess the security of an embedded device running a real time operating system. The book is supposed to be a tutorial guide for readers. So sit back, relax and enjoy the read!!


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Embedded Device Security: Pwn Smart Home Controller

This book is an introduction for the reader into the wonderful world of embedded device hacking. The book focuses on the smart home controllers and teaches how to evaluate the security mechanisms provided by these controllers. The book uses Veralite Smart Home Controller as an example of depicting the methodology. The “Internet of Things” phenomenon has caught up with the home automation industry and this opens up the consumers using these smart home controllers to security issues that they never would have thought about earlier. The security issues introduced by these smart home controllers allows an attacker/burglar to control everything from an IP camera to door locks in the user’s home. The aim of this book is to educate the modern day tech-savy consumers about the security issues that they need to be aware about when making choices about the smart home controllers that control pretty much everything in their homes. However, keep in mind this book is extremely technical in nature!!!


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